Canada has one of the most educated populations in the world, however, many including young people facing barriers are not privy to the same educational opportunities that others are due to their race, financial background or postal code. Issues ranging from inconsistent curriculum delivery depending on the geography and economics of the area in which the school was located, streaming, lack of equity and unconscious bias training for teachers, inconsistent funding for schools from the Ministry of education depending on location and an outdated and non-equitable curriculum are present across our system in Ontario.

Here's a breakdown of some of those issues:

● Rights Based Education: There is no systemically mandated rights-based education as part of the school’s curriculum. Youth and
   teachers need to understand what it means for youth to have rights as a way of combatting systemic discrimination.

● Equity: Indigenous, Black and LGBTQ students are most disproportionately impacted by the current curriculum and systemic
   discrimination and justice system involvement.

● Segregation: According to our education experts there is economic and racial segregation within the school systems,  “private schools
   within public schools.”

● Inconsistent Funding: Provincial funding standards are inconsistent when it comes to schools due to geography, size and need, there is
   35% less funding for First Nations schools.

● Talent Gaps in Marginalized Areas: There must be incentives for teachers to teach at schools that are in marginalized neigbourhoods
    and those that are under resourced.

Laidlaw is actively working with educators and grantees working to improve some of these issues through our Youth Action Fund for more information please contact us at